WoW TBC First Aid Levelling Guide

One of the easiest secondary professions to train in the World of Warcraft is First Aid. It offers the ability to free heal when you’re in a battle, making it more or less a requirement for any player who wants to approach the end-game contents. Especially if you are not…

World of Warcraft Warrior Guide / Warrior Leveling Guide

There are so many World of Warcraft guides out there. But they’re all too expensive. If you just follows these simple tips in the World of Warcraft Warrior Guide / Warrior Leveling Guide, you won’t need any other guides. Just follow these simple rules and watch the experience roll in…

The History of Tanking in the World of Warcraft

When raiding started in vanilla World of Warcraft, there was one choice for a main tank, a protection spec warrior. The off tanks were dps speced warriors and that was it. Occasionally you had a feral druid off tank, and when dealing with undead a paladin would sporadically step in…

New World of Warcraft 31 Point Talent Tree

With Cataclysm coming out soon, information is trickling down to us and we are more than welcomed to grab it and dissect the inner workings of every single new, old, improved or removed mechanism. While there certainly is a lot to talk about, I would like to mention the new…

World of Warcraft Leveling Tips

We all have those first 39 levels before we get our epic mount. Before that golden 40th level you have inferior abilities, and you travel painstakingly slow. This is where I come in to help. I have a level 80, and I am in the process of leveling my new…